Hi, it's been a while. I'm reading Emma. Well, I've been "reading" it for around 4 months and haven't made any progress. I'm fine; how are you? 

I have mentioned Stolen by Lucy Christopher so many times on this blog. I've shat on its writing somewhat, but I love this book. It's the book that got me into reading. I think about it all the time; it lives in my mind rent-free. I read it at least once every year (sadly, I don't have time for that anymore.) I go online looking for fanfictions to fill the hole in my heart (also, sadly, many authors don't finish their work).

I found out there would be a sequel in 2018 and even wrote a post about it. I've been following Lucy's updates, and I read the summary.

    'Ever since I got here, I've been scanning the courtroom, waiting for you. Even after everything, it is still always you, inside my head, inside me. Will it ever be any different?'
    Ten years ago, sixteen-year-old Gemma Toombs was kidnapped from Bangkok Airport by an infatuated drifter, Tyler MacFarlane, who took her to a secret den in the Australian desert. Now her name is Kate Stone and it’s her turn to confront Ty and try to find answers to the questions that have obsessed her since her ordeal. What is the legacy of this coercive relationship? Who holds the cards now? In the confusion of past and present, will Kate remain trapped in a deranged dance of desire and revenge? Or will she regain control and find release?
    Both a courtroom drama and a road trip in the searing heat of the West Australian desert, Release is the story of two people confronting each other, each intent on destruction and survival.

I like that Gemma gets to have this redemption arc and closure because the vague ending left me wanting more. She went through the ordeal and wants to regain power and make sense of her experience. Great. She's older, wiser, stronger, and ready to confront Ty. Love to see it.

I'm looking forward to reading and experiencing the marketed "compulsively readable psychological suspense." It's also an "Adult" novel, so it might get really dark, so that's another thing to look forward to. I just hope it's not entirely like Gone Girl.

What I am confused about is taking an alias. Is Kate going to do some Nancy Drew-ing and lurking? You know, like hiding in a bush, taking secret pictures, and doing some online stalking. Or is it to escape from the public's eye? What was it like acclimatizing back into society after the ordeal? As much as I look forward to the genre/format, I also have my reservations.

I feel like I will sympathize with Gemma because of what she went through and wants closure. However, I can see myself cringing and baffling by her "obsession" and approach. I hear myself already saying: Girl, this is not the way. I'm worried that I'll end up hating Gemma. I'm guessing the entire story will be from Gemma's perspective, so I hope she's likable/has redeeming qualities. (I would love to read some snippets from Ty's perspective to understand him more.)

I have that worry because in Stolen, Lucy Christopher did a great job making readers feel conflicted about Ty. What he did is wrong, but he has these moments of compassion. He's this character with a troubled past. Is Gemma just going to be more like Ty?! Does she confront him in the desert? So many questions!

Thanks for reading my stream of consciousness. I look forward to reading this book; it's my most anticipated read of 2022. I'm stalking the web to find the publisher to get an ARC. If you got the deets, give them to me. 

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