As someone who relies on corrective lenses and glasses and just recently broke her glasses, that title is hilarious. I doubt I will be getting any reading this year unless it is for school, but I will still be setting a challenge for myself. As someone who overthinks and stresses over menial things, writing out tasks and goals will force me to accomplish them. I will be setting my 2020 reading challenge to 3 books. The following list includes books I want to read in 2020, but might not necessarily get to. They're my options.

Circe by Madeline Miller

This book was also on my 2019 resolutions. I have looked high and low at my local library, and I have not found it. I will probably have to put in a request for it. Funny enough, while I am writing this, I learned one of my high school classmates wrote and performed a comedic version of Medea. He sent me a script, but I am much too lazy to read all of that...

The day after I write this, I went to the library, and I found the book! It was in the Adult Fiction section. I was looking in YA this whole time... 

A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer or Heart of Thrones by Bree Barton

Y'all know I love my Beauty & the Beast retellings. If I get to and enjoy both books, that will make my year. I heard lots of great things about the first book, a little worried about the second one because I haven't heard much about it, and it has a rather low ration on Goodreads. *fingers crossed*

The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black

This will, most definitely, be the first book I ring in the new year with. I'm torturing myself not reading it now, but those finals papers don't write themselves, they really don't, and putting it off when I have the time to write it is not doing me any favors. They're not fun! Also, my Philosophy final ought to eat a butt. 

The Testaments by Margaret Atwood

My friend (I made friends in college, whoop whoop!) and I went to our school bookstore and were debating whether or not we should buy/read this book. First off, the price at that bookstore was outrageous compared to the price at Costco. Anyway, we both loved The Handmaid's Tale, and we were worried this book would suffer from second book syndrome. She's read the book and assured me that it's good. 

The Frolic of the Beasts by Yukio Mishima

After reading and enjoying The Traveling Cat Chronicles, I recommend it if you haven't read it already, I've been wanting to read more Contemporary Japanese novels. 

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern

I've talked about The Night Circus on many occasions. I thought Morgenstern did an amazing job writing it because it's lyrical and enchanting. I hope she brings the same magic to this novel and delivers it.

What do you want to read in 2020? How many books?


  1. Good luck with getting to all of these! I'm not sure what goals I'd like to set for 2020 yet.
    Krystianna @ Volumes and Voyages

  2. I kept making the joke to my equally as visually impaired father that 2020 would restore our crappy sight to 20/20 vision lol. Unfortunately, it hasn't (so far). Also, Circe is AMAZING and I am so happy you finally got your hands on it. The writing is evocative and descriptive and I loved the characters. I also need to read The Starless Sea and Queen of Nothing. Happy new year!


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