2019 WRAP UP

Hello! It has been a long time since I have posted on this blog. College, which I loathe, is kicking my butt! Hopefully, the second semester is better, but I'm not expecting much. I have done a lot of reading this year, most of it for academia, not for pleasure. College has stolen my love for reading. The next time I have to read about rap in China, microaggressions towards Asians, the ethics of humor, Hume, Kant, or Aristotle will be too soon. 

My 2019 Favorites:

If any of you guys remembered, because I sure as hell didn't, I wrote down my reading resolutions. I sought out to read many classics, and, fortunately, I enjoyed most of them. My two favorites this year are The Lady of the Camellias and The Color Purple. I think the former is such a beautiful, romantic, and tragic story. I think the latter is such a moving, powerful, and empowering piece. I have posted reviews for these books, which you can check out by clicking the titles. 

Crying Buckets
Unpredictably, I read some books that made me cry like a baby. The Travelling Cat Chronicles, The Song of Achilles, and The Kite Runner will surely make you bawl your eyes out. All beautifully written with amazing storytelling. Unfortunately, I did not review the latter because I was lazy, but definitely check it out; I don't think it receives the attention it deserves.

Hooray for Friendship
I made some amazing friends this year. The Perk of Being a Wallflower, which I hope I will finish my review for, had a beautiful friendship that tugged at my heartstrings. Eliza and Her Monsters has such a supportive and geeky friendship that made me UwU.

Best Manga
Since I never wrote a review for this series, or even mentioned it, this paragraph will be a bit more elaborate than the rest. Raise wa Tanin ga ii is messed-up, hilarious, and has me drooling because of all the GORGEOUS Traditional Japanese tattoos. The main characters have an arranged marriage, and they are both grandkids of yakuza leaders. Yoshino is such a strong female lead and a breath of fresh air; I adore it when the author draws her "ugly" and scary. Kirishima is creepy and obsessive, but I kind of dig it because he's hilarious and ridiculous. Shouma is bae, period. While I love the tattoos, the body proportions are all off. Kirishima is so broad and top-heavy that he looks like an upside-down Dorito. Don't skip leg day! He also has such stumpy legs. I don't know where the plot is going, but I'm patiently waiting for the next installment. I will read it in traditional Chinese, which I cannot read if it comes down to it!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading. What was your 2019 favorite?


  1. I totally relate to college just taking over your life. I haven't had much time to read either. I can't wait to finally pick up Song of Achilles because I LOVED Circe. And I cried SO HARD when I read Perks of Being a Wallflower years ago. I really need to reread that (with a box of tissues in hand).

    1. Hi Erin! Thanks so much for visiting.
      It's the opposite for me: I can't wait to finally pick up Circe because I LOVED The Song of Achilles. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I was crying like a baby on the subway XD


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