2018 WRAP-UP

I had low expectations going into 2018, "it's/was my junior year, I won't have time to read." I sought out to read 12 books, one a month. I surpassed that goal and read 45 books, and counting. Most of those "books" are manga: if you want to conquer your reading challenge, read manga! Overall, 2018 was an uneventful year-no major standouts-unlike in 2017

Tear-Inducing Reads

Taiyou No Ie, you can read my review here, had me very emotional and sympathetic towards the main character, Mao; it hits you in all your feels! Although it is somewhat depressing, it has many heart-warming and comedic moments. It has simple drawings and dynamic characters. 

Saga issue #54: if you've read it, I don't need to explain, I don't want to spoil it, nor do I want to dwell on it. My heart hurts thinking about it. I cannot wait for the series to return from its hiatus to see where the story goes; Vaughn and Staples are terrible human beings for leaving us on the cliff-hanger. The gang has been through a lot of shit, I want a happy ending, but that's wishful thinking because there probably won't be. 

Enjoyable Classics
Anne of Green Gables is the positivity I needed. Terminally Delightful, but occasionally grating. It has lush imagery, drama, and cuteness. You can read my review here.

I reread The Handmaid's Tale. When I first read it, I felt underwhelmed, and I had to trudge through it. I wasn't invested in the story, and I didn't appreciate it to the fullest because I didn't read critically. This time around, it finally had the effect I was hoping for; it is a terrifying and brilliant novel. I found new things, and I understood old things. While I was writing this, I found out there's going to be a sequel... On the one hand, I am excited because it will tie up loose ends; on the other, I wonder if it will live up to its predecessor: there's a lot of weight on Atwood's shoulder. 

Books that didn't hit the mark. 
The Stranger. I blame my horrible experience on my teacher/class. Never have I felt so unmotivated and dejected in a class! A horrid experience. Anyway, I wish I had more guidance with this advance text, and the others she "taught." I missed many nuances. Also, HEART OF DARKNESS IS THE WORSE BOOK IN HISTORY! 

Wildcard. I didn't plan on reading it; I won a copy; I read it because it was sitting there. It was unnecessary and dragged out.


  1. The Anne of Green Gables series is a series I will always love to go back and reread! So good and enjoyable at all ages!!

    1. Yes, it is enjoyable! I haven't read the rest of the series; maybe soon.


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