
The Longest Ride

          Okay, for those who will make fun of me for watching a romance movie. GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

          I actually really liked this movie. The sub-plot was really interesting and saddening. It mirrored the modern day relationship. The one with Scott Eastwood (oh-my-damn, he's sooo hot!) and Britt Robertson. The movie was very The Notebook-esque.
          I was surprised that there was a sub-plot. I didn't expect to see two stories in a movie. But, they intertwined really well. 
          When I first saw the commercial, I obviously had a panic attack from seeing Scott Eastwood. HE'S CLINT EASTWOOD'S SON! I found it funny that an actor, who played a cowboy back in the day, has a son, who's portraying a cowboy. 
          I was watching the movie and I saw the girl and my jaw dropped because her legs are so nice life goals and she was in The Secret Circle
          Anyway, I really liked the music. Specifically the Banks song. If you haven't listened to Banks, do so!

1 comment:

  1. I love BANKS! My favorite song by her is This is What it Feels Like! (: Scott Eastwood is sooo dreamy...!! Makes me want to watch the movie! Yum!

    Pearl @ AsteriskPearl's Book Blog


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