
If You're Lucky Review


If You're Lucky by Yvonne Printz
Publish Date: October 20, 2015
Publisher: Algonquin Young Readers
     Is Georgia's mind playing tricks on her, or is the entire town walking into the arms of a killer who has everyone but her fooled?
     When seventeen-year-old Georgia's brother drowns while surfing halfway around the world in Australia, she refuses to believe Lucky's death was just bad luck. Lucky was smart. He wouldn't have surfed in waters more dangerous than he could handle. Then a stranger named Fin arrives in False Bay, claiming to have been Lucky's best friend. Soon Fin is working for Lucky's father, charming Lucky's mother, dating his girlfriend. Georgia begins to wonder: did Fin murder Lucky in order to take over his whole life?  
     Determined to clear the fog from her mind in order to uncover the truth about Lucky's death, Georgia secretly stops taking the medication that keeps away the voices in her head. Georgia is certain she’s getting closer and closer to the truth about Fin, but as she does, her mental state becomes more and more precarious, and no one seems to trust what she’s saying.

      Before I start me review on this book, I'm just gonna talk about my over-interpretation stuff. I really liked the title of this book. If You're Lucky could mean if you are actually lucky-lucky meaning full of luck or Lucky-Georgia's dead brother. I liked the cover because it kinda screamed "Looking in the eyes of the killer." If that makes any sense...I'm weird...
     Anyway, the writing is amazing. Yvonne Printz's book is like Lucy Christopher's book Stolen. It [If You're Lucky] really makes you wonder if Georgia's actually mad or if she's sane. I totally questioned her sanity to the end. I'm actually not that happy with the ending. It mixed both results. I guess I'm not super happy with the ending because it wasn't HEA.
     The overall writing was awesome. But, sometimes it wasn't smooth. It didn't flow like liquid, it was kinda bumpy, but it was still really enjoyable.
     Readers read about Georgia. We learn about her personality and her history. I was vying for the information. I kept reading and Georgia did not disappoint. I thought her insanity was very interesting to read about. It affected her so much. It made her socially awkward and just have difficulty with people.
     Before I found out she wasn't mentally sound, I thought she was a really inconsiderate person. But, I eventually found out and understood why is is the way she is. 
     If you want to read a super fast paced psychological thriller, this is it!

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